The fox and thestork A fox invited a stork to his house for di...

The fox and thestork A fox invited a stork to his house for dinner the fox served soup in shallow bowis the fox licked up his soup very quickly the stork was not able to drink the soup because his beak was too longo the stork went home hungry. The next day the stork invited the fox to his house for lunch. They were also having soup for lunch the fox this house for lunche jugs the stork drank the soup easily but the fox could not reach the soup inside the tall jug this time it was the fox that went home hungry.

1) a partir do meniconto acima responda às seguintes questões de compreensão textual:

1) why did the fox invite the stork to his house?
A) for lunch B) for dunner
C) for break fast

2) the stork could not drink the soup because?
A) he was too hungry
B) his beak was too long
C) the soup was too hot

3) what did the stork serve for lunch the next day?
A) soup
B) shallow bowls
C) tall jugs

4) How did the stork serve the soup?
A) in tall jugs
B) in shallow bowls
C) in her house

5) Na frase: "A fox invited to a stork to his house for dinner.", o pronome possessivo em destaque se refere a quem?

A) they saw men and women talking to own hearts.
a) his. b) her. c) them. d) they. e) their

6) that sports car is very expensive. The car deater told me that price is 10,000 dollars
a) her. b) his. c) its. d) their.
e) hers.

1 Resposta


1 - b

2 - b

3 - a

4 - a

5 - stork ( his house -> a casa dele)

A - e

6 - c

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