ALGUÉM ME AJUDA POR FAVOR 7- Mark TRUE OR FALSE for the sentences according to the above:I- Christopher

ALGUÉM ME AJUDA POR FAVOR 7- Mark TRUE OR FALSE for the sentences according to the above:I- Christopher Columbus was Spanish. II- Villa-Lobos died when he was sixty-eight years old. III- Charles Chaplin was American. IV- Cândido Portinari died in Rio de Janeiro. V- Madame Curie was born in France and discovered radium.

a- I- T/ II- T/ III- T/ IV- T / V- T

b- I- T/ II- F/ III- T/ IV- F / V- T

c- I- F/ II- F/ III- F/ IV- F / V- F

d- I- F/ II- T/ III- F/ IV- T / V- F

ALGUÉM ME AJUDA POR FAVOR 7- Mark TRUE OR FALSE for the sentences according to the above:I- Chris

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