Circule ou marque X na resposta correta de acordo com o texto....


Circule ou marque X na resposta correta de acordo com o texto. 1. What was the famous man doing when the poet saw him?
O que o homem famoso estava fazendo quando o poeta o viu?
• He was eating some solid food.
• He was lifting a spoon over his head.
• He was doing a common, ordinary thing.
• He was doing something nobody does.
2. Why was the man’s name in the newspapers that day?
Por que o nome do homem estava no jornal naquele dia?
• Because he was lifting a fat broth into his mouth.
• Because the poet saw him eating soup.
• Because he was bending his head over a plate.
• Because he was famous.
3. The poet’s words teach us : As palavras do poeta nos ensina:
• that some people do common things in a special way.
• that even famous people like soup.
• that we are all made of the same stuff – rich or poor, general or soldier,
celebrity or common person.
• that it is a good idea to eat soup if you want to become famous.
4. Mark the question to which this could be the answer: Marque a questão que
poderia ser a resposta para:
``eu vi um famoso homem tomando sopa``
“I saw a famous man eating soup.”
• Who was the man?
• What did you see?
• What did he do?
• What did he eat?
5. Mark the line of the poem where the verb expresses an action that was in
progress at a certain moment in the past.
Marque a linha do poema o qual o verbo expressa uma ação que estava em
progresso em um certo momento do passado.
• “Into his mouth with a spoon”
• “His name was in the newspapers that day”
• “And thousands of people were talking about him.”
• “When I saw him,

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