INGLÊS Atividades1) Escreva as frases a seguir na forma afirmativa:A) He isn't an excellent student.


1) Escreva as frases a seguir na forma afirmativa:

A) He isn't an excellent student.

B)They are not brothers.

C) It is not my pencil.

2) faça a contração do pronome pessoal com o verbo TO BE nas seguintes frases:

A) we are friends.

B) It is not a house.

C) you are not at home.

3) Passe as frases a seguir para a forma interrogativa:

A) They are john and Peter.

B) you are happy.

C) she is at School.

D) I am tall.

4) Coloque os pronomes pessoais correspondentes ao verbo TO BE

A) am a teacher
B) are my students
C) is a book
D) are books

5) Substitua os substantivos marcados (vou colocar grande) pelos pronomes pessoas correspondentes:

A)THE BOOK is on the table.
B) are THE BOYS in the yard?
C)PAUL is at the restaurant

1 Resposta



a) He is an excellent student.

b) They are brothers.

c) It is my pencil.


a) We're friends.

b) It's/It isn't a house.

c) You're/You aren't at home.


a) Are they John and Peter?

b) Are you happy?

c) Is she at school?

d) Am I tall?


a) I am a teacher.

b) They are my students.

c) This is a book.

d) Those are books.


a) It is on the table.

b) Are they in the yard?

c) He is at the restaurant.

d) They are cousins.

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